Monday 4 April 2011

The First of Many

First off, I apologize for not posting in a couple days. I've been a bit swamped with work as the year comes to a close. But as I was away, an important document found its way to the public through the internet and also through the media. This is of course the Liberal platform for 2011. Now, of course there is going to be a lot of scrutinizing and a lot of slander towards this document, mainly from the Conservatives but also from the NDP, the Bloc and the Green. But really you have to make your own decision about this document. You cannot let another political party, who will obviously stand against it in the interest of their own parties, decide for you what to think about the Liberal platform. Now, saying that...I thought it was a piece of crap. But please don't take my word for it, read it yourself. But let's take a look inside shall we?

The Liberal platform promises a number of new social programs that will benefit the people of Canada. Two of their biggest are the Learning Passport, which helps students pay for post-secondary education, and a Family Care Plan which is designed to assist families who care for elderly loved ones. Along with these the Liberals promise a handful of new infrastructure projects (including a speed-train system from Windsor to Montreal) and a green renovation tax-credit. All of these ideas sound great. A Liberal government would no doubt put family first and help the average person live a more fulfilled life. Unfortunately, as has happened in the past, these social programs and innovative projects do not have the funding to support themselves. The Liberals intend to pay for all of these programs by raising corporate taxes but making sure to leave the HST and income tax alone. The Liberals promise the people that these programs will not cost them a dime, it's the businesses that will be forced to pay up. I'm beginning to think the Liberals don't understand how money works. 

Okay, so, let's say the Liberals carry out this plan of only hiking up the corporate tax. That's fine, so corporations now have to pay more in order to keep their businesses thriving. New businesses will be discouraged from opening as a result of the growing taxation which will damage the job market as well as the economy. But what about already thriving businesses? Well, unfortunately for them less profit will be made meaning there is less room for expansion which means that no new jobs are popping up around the country. The last time I checked, countries do not run so well when there are no jobs for their citizens to hold. Less business and less jobs means less income tax an less corporate tax for the government, no jobs equals less purchasing meaning less revenue from the HST an whoopdee doo look at that, our government ends up losing money. Now don't you worry, the Liberals will get us out of that one when the time comes, but how will they do it? Well there is a number of ways, first and foremost they could and most likely will start with the HST. So bam, taxes staying the same for families? Doubtful. 

Now let's take a look at the other side of spectrum. The Conservatives want to lower corporate tax which will in effect open up more profit for businesses, creating more jobs, generating more profit and expanding our economy. If we spend wisely (*cough jets *cough) under a Conservative government, it will benefit Canada much more in the long run. Plain and simple the Liberal numbers do not add up. They're spending money that Canada does not have in the hopes that somehow the economy will keep moving along nicely as it always does. Now I know I'm going to get criticism saying the Conservatives have the highest deficit in years, and Harper's government has the highest debt of all time, but...does no one remember the economic crisis? Sure Harper's government has been overspending by a lot, too much in fact, but it has been going towards the economic recovery of Canada, which the last time checked has been working, seeing as how Canada lead the G7 in GDP growth through 2009 and into 2010, and now Canada has been fore-casted by the IMF as the best place to invest for 2011. But nah, you're right Liberals, that was all probably money down the drain.

But please, I do encourage you, especially if you are a Canadian, to read the different party platforms. The Liberals are the only ones with a platform out at the moment but I have no doubt the other parties will be releasing theirs within the next few weeks. For now however, I'll keep waiting for the debates to come :) This is gonna be good.

Or, at least that's my 2 cents anyway.

Friday 1 April 2011

Lars Von Awesome

Geez, April already. Just under a month left until school is done for the summer - finally. Unfortunately for me though, this also means that exams are coming up :( Which requires studying, which requires notes, which equals more work then I've done in a long time. But enough of my sob story, though it is a terribly dramatic one, it's time for another review. Yes, that's right, It's Friday and I'm spending my time writing a review for a horror movie. Sad, I know. But here goes...


A couple of my friends had been telling me about this one for a while now, so I figured I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and give it a go. The movie takes place in present day and is about a husband and wife who are trying to come to terms with their young son's death. The wife takes the death especially hard and ends up being hospitalized as a result. When she recovers, the husband, who is played by Willem Dafoe, suggests that she conquer her most painful memory of their son. The wife suggests the family cabin, where she and the young boy spent the summer while she was working on her thesis. The couple travel to the cabin and then that's when the weird stuff starts happening. Now, I really don't want to give away the best parts of this one because I actually really enjoyed it.

In terms of acting, this one is really great. As I said, Willem Dafoe stars as the husband and Charlotte Gainsbourg as the wife. The two are really great together, and although there are quite a few 'raunchy' scenes where we unfortunately see some of Mr. Dafoe's naughty parts, you quickly get past that and come to see what a great duo these two are. Yeah, should have mentioned that before but this is not a PG movie, it is quite graphic so don't watch it with your kids. The film's directed by Lars Von Trier, a filmmaker from Denmark and, though the film obviously has a semi-low budget, WOW is all I can say. The cinematography and directing style is unique and honestly captivating. All I can say is that I hope Von Trier makes more horror films in the future because his directing style is incredible. 

Okay, now here is where I may accidentally give some parts away. So, you've been forewarned. This movie is more disturbing then it is scary. In this way it is able to have deeper meanings because it takes itself seriously, making the film itself more realistic and less ridiculous. Now, saying that, it has many deeper meanings which obviously come through towards the end of the film. One of the largest and most obvious themes is the natural evil of women and their relation to nature. The wife ends up going crazy towards the end, and Dafoe finds old research notes from her thesis in which she changed her subject entirely to the natural evilness of women. Dafoe finds clippings from witchcraft books, books about demons and angels and the like. The film addresses the ideas that the Bible creates of women being the reason why mankind cannot be in paradise. It is their natural instinct to manipulate, defy and destroy. Geez, I feel like I'm writing an English essay. 

Now, I don't want to give away the scary bits because a) it would ruin the fun of you seeing it ;) and b) they are, as I said, quite disturbing and very graphic. Overall though, I loved this movie. It disturbed me in the same way that movies like the original Saw did. The simple idea of some of the events which transpire in the film are grotesquely absurd and terribly spine-tingling. While the movie is not exactly 'frightening' in the traditional sense of serial killer, ghost, creature, etc. It is still very cringe-worthy. I give this one an eight out of  ten. Could have been a bit scarier at times but was still incredibly disturbing, combined with great actors and an incredible director. But seriously, don't watch this with your kids. 

Or, at least that's my 2 cents anyway.